CentOS release 6.10 |Python 2.6.6
step1:安装 git #yum install gitstep2:安装依赖 yum install gcc python-devel zlib-devel zlib openssl openssl-develsetp3:pip安装(python2.6安装pip) #wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/2.6/get-pip.py #python get-pip.py step4:沙盒安装 #pip install virtualenvstep5:下载&安装python2.7 #wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.8/Python-2.7.8.tgz # tar xvf Python-2.7.8.tgz #cd Python-2.7.8 # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python/py278/ --with-zlib # make && make installstep6:安装主程序依赖twist #cd /opt # virtualenv py278 --python=/usr/local/python/py278/bin/python2.7 # . py278/bin/activate # wget https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0f/88/18bb0eddb483033e35b1b84bdf9de4cedb8906ece178e2d921451282b3c8/Twisted-14.0.2.tar.bz2 # tar -xvf Twisted-14.0.2.tar.bz2 # cd Twisted-14.0.2 #python setup.py installstep7:安装主程序
# pip install opencanary修改配置文件
#vim /root/.opencanary.conf 修改sshd端口号位:8000 #vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config 重启sshd服务 #/etc/init.d/sshd startstep8:启动opencanaryd&验证
# opencanaryd --start验证是否启动
# ps -ef|grep opencanarystep9:核实蜜罐是否生效
#telnet 22
查看日志 #vim /var/tmp/opencanary.log {"dst_host": "", "dst_port": 22, "local_time": "2018-09-12 15:27:02.657861", "logdata": {"SESSION": "1"}, "logtype": 4000, "node_id": "opencanary-1", "src_host": "", "src_port": 58605}step10:编写opencanary定时任务,并启动定时任务
* * * * * /root/opencanary/opencanary.sh
【编写opencanary.sh,并将此脚本放到定时任务中每分钟执行一次,对三次握手行为监控】#!/bin/bashHOSTNAME="" #数据库信息PORT="3306"USERNAME="root"PASSWORD="123456"DBNAME="soc" #数据库名称module=4COMMAND1="mysql -h${HOSTNAME} -P${PORT} -u${USERNAME} -p${PASSWORD} ${DBNAME} -N -e \"select email from soc.alarm_receiver where status = 0 and module like '%${module}%' and email != 'NULL'\""email=`eval $COMMAND1`email=`echo $email | sed 's/ /,/g'`echo $email # "111111@qq.com,222222@qq.com"COMMAND2="mysql -h${HOSTNAME} -P${PORT} -u${USERNAME} -p${PASSWORD} ${DBNAME} -N -e \"select phone from soc.alarm_receiver where status = 0 and module like '%${module}%' and phone != 'NULL'\""phone=`eval $COMMAND2`array=($phone) # 数组格式echo ${array[*]}ip=`/sbin/ifconfig | egrep "inet addr:10." | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F : '{print $2}' | head -n 1`#记录已经读取的行数if [ ! -f "/root/opencanary/line.txt" ];then touch /root/opencanary/line.txtfiline_new=`wc -l /var/tmp/opencanary.log | awk '{print $1}'`if [ -s "/root/opencanary/line.txt" ]; then#if line.txt is not empty line_old=`cat /root/opencanary/line.txt` #echo $line_new $line_old if [ $line_old -ne $line_new ];then let "line_old=$line_old+1" if [ $line_old -eq $line_new ];then sed -n "${line_new}p" /var/tmp/opencanary.log > /root/opencanary/content.txt else sed -n "${line_old},${line_new}p" /var/tmp/opencanary.log > /root/opencanary/content.txt fi else exit fi else#if line.txt is empty cat /var/tmp/opencanary.log > /root/opencanary/content.txtfi#Insert to Mysql> /root/opencanary/sql.txtwhile read linedo time_now=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` #neet ; at the end of each sql sql="insert into syshoney_alarm(host,content,timestamp) values ('$ip','$line','$time_now');" echo $sql >> /root/opencanary/sql.txtdone < /root/opencanary/content.txtmysql -h -u root -p123456 -D soc < /root/opencanary/sql.txt#Email 超过5条则只发前5条count=`wc -l /root/opencanary/content.txt | awk '{print $1}'`echo "Total count $count" > /root/opencanary/mail.txtif [ $count -le 5 ];then cat /root/opencanary/content.txt >> /root/opencanary/mail.txtelse head -n 5 /root/opencanary/content.txt >> /root/opencanary/mail.txtfi/bin/mail -s "opencanary alerts" $email < /root/opencanary/mail.txt #time_now=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`echo "<${time_now}> mail to $email" >> /root/opencanary/mail.log#短信接口告警neirong="蜜罐监控告警,蜜罐节点IP:${ip},攻击次数:${count}"private_key='c6f2e0150f8b5a8655c237863588'for data in ${array[@]} do key=`echo -n $time_now$data$neirong$private_key|md5sum|cut -d" " -f1` /usr/bin/curl -d "mobile=$data&message=$neirong&business=zabbix&time=$time_now&key=$key&smsType=0" "http://api.sendmsgtophone.com/sendapi/sms" >> /root/opencanary/phone.log echo >> /root/opencanary/phone.logdone#电话接口告警eventId=`date +%s`command="curl -H \"Content-type: application/json\" -X POST -d '{ \"app\": \"464cc725-1427-ee3f-531a-c5bc6ccc1376\", \"eventId\": \"$eventId\", \"eventType\": \"trigger\", \"alarmName\": \"蜜罐系统\", \"priority\": 3, \"alarmContent\": {\"告警系统类型\":\"蜜罐系统\",\"蜜罐节点\": \"$ip\", \"攻击日志数量\": \"$count\"} }' \"http://api.monitor.com/alert/api/event\""#eval $commandecho $line_new > /root/opencanary/line.txt
#python /root/opencanary/cap.py &
【对step10的补充,这样这个蜜罐系统才能覆盖所有异常扫描】#coding:utf-8import pcapimport dpktimport sysimport pymysqlfrom DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDBfrom email.mime.text import MIMETextimport smtplibimport hashlibimport requestsimport timedef send_mail(content,mailarray): mail_host="mail.qq.com" mail_user="111111@qq.com" mail_pass="1111111" mail_postfix="qq.com" msg = MIMEText(content) msg['From'] = "111111@qq.com" msg['Subject'] = u'【蜜罐监控告警】' To_mail = mailarray try: s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect(mail_host) s.login(mail_user,mail_pass) s.sendmail("111111@cdeledu.com", To_mail, msg.as_string()) s.close() return True except Exception, e: print str(e) return Falsedef send_message(phone,content): time_now= time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) private_key='c6f2e0150f8b5a8655c237863588' for data in phone: key = time_now + data + content + private_key m = hashlib.md5() m.update(key) #print m.hexdigest() payload = {'mobile': data, 'message': content, 'business': 'zabbix','time': time_now,'key': m.hexdigest(),'smsType': '0' } r = requests.post("http://api.sendmsgtophone.com/sendapi/sms", data=payload)def Get_alarm_receiver(): # conn = poolsql.connection() # cur = conn.cursor() # SQL = "select email,phone from alarm_receiver where status=0 and module like '%" + str(module) + "%'"# cur.execute(SQL) # receiver = cur.fetchall() # cur.close() # conn.close() # email = [] # for i in receiver: # if i[0] != '': # email.append(i[0]) # phone = [] # for i in receiver: # if i[1] != '': # phone.append(i[1]) email= ['333333@qq.com','222222@qq.com'] phone = [] return email,phoneif __name__ == '__main__': host = '' module = 4 poolsql = PooledDB(pymysql,10,host='',user='root',passwd='123456',db='soc',port=3306,charset="utf8") email, phone = Get_alarm_receiver() pc=pcap.pcap() #注,参数可为网卡名,如eth0 pc.setfilter('tcp port 6379 or 3306 or 3389 or 22 or 21 or 9200 or 80 or 8080 or 873 or 9000 or 27017 or 11211') #设置监听过滤器 for ptime,pdata in pc: #ptime为收到时间,pdata为收到数据 try: eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(pdata) #print('%s %x',ptime,eth) ip = eth.data tcp = ip.data dstip = '%d.%d.%d.%d'%tuple(map(ord,list(ip.dst))) srcip = '%d.%d.%d.%d'%tuple(map(ord,list(ip.src))) dstport = tcp.dport srcport = tcp.sport time_local = time.localtime(int(ptime)) dt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time_local) #print dt,srcip,dstport,srcport if tcp.flags == 2 and dstip == host: content = "srcip:%s,dstport:%s,srcport:%s" %(srcip,dstport,srcport) mailcontent = "SysHoney Node:%s\nsrcip:%s\ndstport:%s\nsrcport:%s\nTimestamp:%s" %(host,srcip,dstport,srcport,dt) message = "SysHoney Node:%s|srcip:%s|dstport:%s|srcport:%s|Timestamp:%s" %(host,srcip,dstport,srcport,dt) conn = poolsql.connection() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = "insert into syshoney_alarm(host,content,timestamp) values ('%s','%s','%s') "%(host,content,dt) # cur.execute(SQL) # conn.commit() #s = cur.fetchall() #print SQL cur.close() conn.close() send_mail(str(mailcontent),email) send_message(phone,message) except Exception,e: print e continue
#nmap -sS -p 22